Shared Workstation MFA

Enterprise 2FA + Password Manager token your team will love.

Continuous authentication to PC, VPN,
websites, and desktop applications.

Gatekeeper Proximity Authentication


Automate workflow so that compliance and security are done automatically without relying on people focusing on their own jobs. Hardware-based password managers for ease of use and better security.

Wireless, passwordless authentication for the safest and easiest PC, Mac, VPN, website, OTP, and desktop application login experience. Just issue employees their wireless key. No more passwords to remember or type.

Automated Password Management

"I've come across many security devices throughout my years within the healthcare system, and I can honestly say that GateKeeper is one of a kind. There are NO other devices on the market that provide the numerous capabilities this device has. I am privileged to have this software installed within my own clinic, and from day one, my staff instantly reaped its benefits - and best of all, it has strengthened our HIPAA compliance posture. We no longer need to remember to lock our workstations nor keep track of complex passwords!"

Dr. Toyin Opesanmi, M.D., AAHIVS
Gennesaret Medical Center

Gennesaret Medical Center

"We have tried for years to move our 118-year-old business from paper and pencil over to the computer, but it was not successful until we implemented GateKeeper's Halberds. Since having a password management system, I have been able to set up users, many of whom are older and have never worked with a computer before, with all the passwords they need to complete their jobs. This has empowered our employees to actually do their jobs correctly, without supervision, and without ALWAYS forgetting their passwords."

Will Scott
5th Generation Fruit Farmer
Scott’s Orchard

Scott’s Orchard

"...the only thing that we had found to help us to be compliant with HIPAA standards without making us enter our passwords every time we entered a room. The amount of time and hassle this program has saved has been tremendous. We researched for quite some time and looked at many different options and this is the best, least expensive and most convenient of anything we found. I would whole heartedly recommend Gatekeeper for any medical and/or dental setting."

Mindy Riley
Southern Boulevard Dental Center

Southern Boulevard Dental Center

"Untethered Labs’ GateKeeper Enterprise product delivers greater computer security built around the realities of our busy workplaces and workflows by using two-factor authorization and authorized proximity detection to enable access to network applications. Moving away from a user’s workstation shuts down access to prevent unauthorized access. Data breaches make the news, so providing central password control and comprehensive auditing capabilities are essential to protecting your customers, while improving their security footing."

Paul Boucherle
Security Sales & Integration
“The #1 Technology & Business Authority Since 1979”

Security Sales & Integration

"Working with the staff from Untethered Labs, Inc. is definitely the epitome of how a company should interact with their customers.  In all of my interactions, I have sense that I am working with a partner rather than just a vendor. The support staff is always responsive, professional and courteous. The GateKeeper solution easily integrated into our office environment and secures all of our workstations seamlessly. The feature rich system provides the security and reporting that I require to monitor workstation access across our domain."

Bill Elgie, Supervisor of Network
Technologies and Services IT Security and Special Projects

Uniform Data System

Two Factor Authentication Solutions

Proximity 2FA eliminates typing passwords.

Auto-2FA computer for smooth and secure access

Auto-Lock when employees walk away

Military-grade AES 256 encryption

HIPAA, GDPR, NIST, CJIS compliance made easy

Accurately audits all access logs, even on shared PCs

Passwordless authentication with your presence and log in instantly with password autofill. No more locked out accounts. When the user walks away, GateKeeper automatically locks the computer. Therefore, no more unattended and unlocked workstations. Be preventative against expensive and disruptive data breaches. Implement human-centric cyber security to establish a stronger security posture.

Wireless authentication eliminates

Lock computers automatically when users leave. See which computers are locked and who is signed on in real-time. Therefore, you will always be in control of access.

Centralized password management

Passwordless authentication reduces password support tickets.

Adaptive and password-free authentication. Error-free enterprise password management. Set permission-based access control lists, manage passwords, and view real-time user information from an easy-to-use management console. Provision users 100X faster. Then deprovision passwords instantly when employees no longer need them.

Access multiple computers with a single key.

Prevent phishing attacks on employees.

Set permissions for different computers/users.

Stop password reuse and password sharing automatically.

Finally, an authentication solution that reduces stress.

Multifactor authentication for compliance.

Implement a stronger 2FA solution that decreases effort and time needed to login. GateKeeper logs user activity including login and logout times, plus motion behavior of users throughout the office. Therefore, audit logs are always accurate. Even on shared Windows PCs and VPNs, GateKeeper uniquely identifies each user.

Powerful analytics for productivity

Identify individual users even on shared computers

Data on credentials, users, and computer activity

Secure access and identity management solution

Enterprise password manager.

Manage all passwords for your end users with a secure enterprise password manager. Replace the 'master password' with a security key. Then the cyber security infrasture is more secure from human error.

Share passwords with a secure system

Then reset passwords for users without needing to tell users

Enforce stronger passwords even 50 characters long

Passwordless login desktop applications, websites, and computers

passwordless authentication solutions.
Best Authentication Solution - Best Ease of Use - 2021 Capterra - GateKeeper Enterprise
Best Authentication Solution - Best Value - 2021 Capterra - GateKeeper Enterprise
Best Authentication Solution - Best Functionality & Features - 2021 GetApp - GateKeeper Enterprise
Proximity Login For HIPAA Compliant At Health Care Center

Automate compliance with passwordless authentication for enterprise.

Enterprise 2FA wireless login for a wide range of industries.


Law Enforcement





Hardware Password Manager

Enterprise password management with automatic MFA.

Machine-learning auto-security that provides the fastest authentication with the strongest security. Realize significant cost savings while meeting compliance.

Enterprise FeaturesGateKeeperDUOYubiKey
Eliminates shared passwords and manual logins  Question CircleCheckCheckCheck
Windows & macOS compatible  Question CircleCheckCheckCheck
2-Factor Authentication  Question CircleCheckCheckCheck
Active Directory integration for Enterprise  Question CircleCheckCheckCheck
Proximity-based lock & unlock functionality  Question CircleCheckTimesCheck
Multiple login methods available  Question CircleCheckCheckTimes
Does not require physical contact with computer  Question CircleCheckCheckTimes
Wireless key does not require phone  Question CircleCheckTimesCheck
Automated, hands-free lock and unlock  Question CircleCheckTimesTimes
Real-time location services  Question CircleCheckTimesTimes
Shared credentials identification  Question CircleCheckTimesTimes
Centralized access management dashboard  Question CircleCheckTimesTimes
Designed for healthcare HIPAA compliance  Question CircleCheckTimesTimes
Capterra Best Value for Authentication Jun-20
Capterra Ease of Use for Authentication Jun-20

See GateKeeper Enterprise advanced MFA in action.

Take a self-guided tour of how you can evolve from passwords. Then you're really saving time with automation.

“While conventional two factor authentication methods could have cost the company over 240 hours of login time for 14,000 logins in one month, GateKeeper took only 20 hours of time to login. GateKeeper made the computers secure, and cost 90% less in time as compared to any other authentication method.”

Tom Riddle, Network Systems Administrator
Major Tool & Machine, Inc.

Enterprise 2FA and password manager. One key for all your passwords. Experience fully automated login and security. Faster MFA, auto-OTP, password manager, and worry-free workflow with proximity-based privileged access management for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, VPNs, desktop applications, and websites.

Download the free Android app.

Proximity-based MFA login

Active Directory integration with admin console

Automatic lock for all workstations

Continuous authentication password manager

Automatic OTP on websites for 2FA

Wireless login for desktops, VPNs, web, and software

or call 240-547-5446