Human error in cyber security.

How Mistakes, Forgetfulness, and Carelessness can Undo the Best IT Security

January 15, 2019

Some things just can’t be anticipated and protected against. Human foibles are at the top of the list. Human beings aren’t perfect, and their mistakes, carelessness and just plain bad luck can wreak unintentional havoc. Sometimes the simplest error can undo the most intricate IT security plans. All it takes is one person. It could…

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Understanding Your Employee Cybersecurity

November 23, 2018

A common error with most employee cybersecurity is that what they do is exempt from all other issues in regard to security. The fact is that cybersecurity has a lot to do with the way the public perceives an organization. How employees use customer records have a huge effect on the way your data is…

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Advanced access control on need to know basis.

Understanding Permission Aggregation and Insider Threats

November 1, 2018

Insider threats are a growing concern for any large corporation.  In 2016, 40% of successful breaches were due to outsiders, but 37% were due to insider threats. These numbers show that these types of attackers are just as popular as threats caused by employees, vendors or corporate contractors. Insider threats include anything from simple employee…

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Email fraud prevention solution.

Phishing and Email Fraud are Top Security Risks for Corporations

October 25, 2018

Email is essential for business, but it’s also a top concern for security administrators that need to protect the internal network from data breaches and loss of digital assets. With a combination of reconnaissance and social media, an attacker can form a list of possible victims and target them in an attempt to get credentials…

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healthcare cyber security

Healthcare Organizations are Among the Biggest Targets for Attackers

October 22, 2018

Of all the organizations threatened by insider threats, healthcare companies top the list. In the past several years, healthcare organization data is among the top of the list in the biggest data breaches recorded. The healthcare industry is a big target for cyber criminals. It might be the biggest target, depending on the metric. Yahoo…

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Data loss prevention.

Corporations Lose Data in Ways They Didn’t Imagine

October 9, 2018

Insider threats make up a large portion of cyber security risk. It’s a third of the risk when you manage sensitive data on your network. Most organizations think of cyber security risk and insider threats as malicious employees, but it’s not always malicious intent that leads to data loss. Negligence, phishing, malware, and other events…

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Malicious browser.

Malicious Browser Extensions Contribute to Insider Threats

October 7, 2018

Network administrators have a unique challenge providing users with an efficient working environment that also protects against network threats. Most administrators block random installations. But this can be a problem when users need to customize their desktops to work productively. This customized environment includes the ability to add browser extensions. But these small programs can…

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insider threat detection

How to Identify the Basic Signs of Insider Threats to your Local Network

September 22, 2018

Insider threats are cyber security breaches that stem from a trusted employee or vendor allowing an outsider to gain access to the local network. It’s a frustrating and difficult cyber security issue to avoid. You need to give employees plenty of permissions to perform everyday tasks. But you can’t give them open access to areas…

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default password risk from routers

Routers Under Attack from Russian Hackers through Default Passwords

July 14, 2018

One common element of all networks is the existence of routers. These devices weren’t always used in household networks. But they soon became commonplace with any home network. Because they are so commonplace, hackers have gone after home routers with numerous different attacks. Some attacks make routers a part of a botnet. Others sniff data…

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