Security and Accessibility on the Shop Floor: The GateKeeper Solution in Manufacturing
Modern manufacturing sits at the confluence of both traditional and digitally-focused working practices. Humans continue to play a critical role in manufacturing. Now, more than ever, supporting humans with state-of-the-art systems on the shop floor is crucial for both enterprise cybersecurity and productivity. However, access to these systems may not be in step with the forward-thinking approach that manufacturing requires. Therefore, employing an enterprise security solution to both protect data and enhance user workflow is vital.
Many manufacturing teams find themselves restricted in the following ways;
- Firstly, the need to memorize complex passwords.
- Access credentials that don’t meet regulatory standards.
- Difficult or unclear auditing procedures.
- No easy route to onboarding and offboarding users.
- Multiple users accessing systems via the same account.
- A lack of visibility into system security and usage behaviors.
- Lastly, cyber threats growing in the manufacturing sector.
Eliminate these headaches with proximity-based authentication tokens. It’s about bringing about a better way of doing business for today’s manufacturing industry.
The Benefits of Enterprise Security Solutions in Manufacturing
Far-reaching Insight into User Behaviors
Manufacturing firms need to keep on top of a broad range of different internal user behaviors because these habits are crucial to productivity and security. These range from managing and monitoring supply chain partnerships to conducting routine checks and alterations on production schedules and other operational protocols. All of this user behavior falls under the standard operating procedure. But manufacturers need to remain vigilant to prevent data loss or unauthorized system access. Check out this case study on a large U.S. defense manufacturer using GateKeeper authentication for DFARS compliance and workflow efficiency.
GateKeeper makes executing such vigilance easy for manufacturers. The GateKeeper solution supports individual logins via proximity-based technology, enabling management teams to trace individual actions to specific users. Meanwhile, the centralized management and monitoring console utilizes a combination of automated and manual functions to identify anomalous behaviors in real-time.
Swift and Efficient Log-ins
Computers are on your shop floor for a reason — because these systems support your teams as they work. When access is slow and cumbersome, your teams are hampered in their efforts, and your business suffers.
One of the key benefits of GateKeeper’s enterprise security solution for proximity-based access is efficiency incarnate. With the proximity token, your team members achieve instant two-factor authentication in manufacturing, enabling access to the systems they require. By shaving valuable seconds off each login, you are increasing operational flexibility exponentially over time. Lastly, the organization avoids the downtime associated with forgotten access credentials and other issues – keeping the floor free from unproductive troughs.
Robust Enterprise Security Solution
Access means striking a balance — achieving swift logins without compromising on security. Moreover, the GateKeeper features advanced two-factor authentication that means only authorized personnel can access designated system tiers. Access credentials are automatically generated and encrypted. Therefore, there is no risk of passwords and usernames falling into the wrong hands. IT admins can more easily protect computers and users from threats and data breach risks.
Administer access control and permissions from a central console on the cloud or on-prem. From here, detect anomalous login actions, restrict access for certain user accounts, and remove access altogether when offboarding users. Securing access at every conceivable juncture is too important in manufacturing facilities. When one aluminum producer was hacked, ransomware cost the producer an est. $90-$110 million USD in some factories.
Full Regulatory Compliance
Of course, while manufacturers adhere to their own codes of conduct and best practices, there are overarching compliance structures that they must also abide by. The GateKeeper solution is designed to fit neatly into a range of different, industry-specific compliance codes, including those implemented by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS).
Different standards have different specific requirements, and the GateKeeper team adopts a diligent approach to ensuring ongoing adherence and compliance. GateKeeper integrates with the evolving standards of the United States’ various regulatory bodies. Cyber security benefits of the solution include 2FA, password manager, auto-lock mechanism, desktop password auto-fill, AES 256 encryption, clear and transparent auditing capabilities, robust password length, and content enforcement.
Discover More About Enterprise Security Solutions
Need more better productivity margins? Require CMMC Level 3 or DFARS? Need to improve your cyber security posture with enterprise security solutions? Do you want to learn more about how GateKeeper can benefit your manufacturing firm? Reach out to our team today, take a tour of our solution and let’s get started.
See GateKeeper Enterprise advanced MFA in action.
Take a self-guided tour of how you can evolve from passwords. Then you're really saving time with automation.