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Additional USB Bluetooth Proximity Sensor

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Product Details

GateKeeper USB Bluetooth wireless proximity sensor (dongle) is one part of the GateKeeper 2FA system to keep your computer secured. It acts as the Bluetooth receiver for your computer. GateKeeper supports multiple dongles per computer to enhance the signal. If you have more computers than users, you can buy additional USB receivers to enable GateKeeper access to those computers. Even if your computer has Bluetooth, we highly recommend using additional proximity sensors to boost your computer's signal coverage to more accurately detect tokens.

GateKeeper also supports internal Bluetooth receivers on Win 10 computers. However, the performance of the software will always be significantly higher with the GateKeeper USB sensor than with the internal Bluetooth receiver.

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GateKeeper Enterprise License Plans

GateKeeper Enterprise software provides centralized management of users, computers, auditing, and reporting on your GateKeeper Proximity authentication-enabled network.


$ 3 /user/month
  • Proximity lock and unlock
  • Web password manager
  • Centralized user management
  • Centralized access control

ADVANCED (Popular)

$ 5 /user/month
  • Login & logout audit logs
  • Web access audit logs
  • Location audits
  • Scheduled reports
  • Custom alerts for admins


$ 8 /user/month
  • Active Directory management
  • Remote computer management
  • Dedicated support engineer
  • Offline authentication
  • RADIUS VPN integration
  • API access

Need a custom plan? Contact our sales team to discuss volume pricing and custom configurations.

"They always answer the phone and someone is available to help. Emails are answered immediately."

Mark Natale
IT Director
Iron County Medical Center

Healthcare 2FA Solution password manager

"...the device automatically locks my computer when I move away from my desk. It logs me in when I move closer to my computer. That saves me re-typing my Windows password - or forgetting to lock my computer when I leave my desk. Very slick and very secure."


"GateKeeper Is a Wireless, Smart PC Key Straight Out of Spy Movies"


"We had problems with people posting there passwords near their computer because they would forget them. Also people having to remember many different passwords for applications and customer web portals.

I was looking for a replacement for my old biometric access control software. We are a small company and I wanted to find a proximity-based access."

Dan Long, MIS Director
Branch Manufacturing Co