Two-factor authentication (2FA) is the security authentication method that requires two pieces of predetermined evidence (factors) before being granted authorization. 2FA is a subset of multi-factor authentication (MFA). The difference between 2FA and MFA is the number of factors. 2FA is basically two layers of security required before a user can access an account or system.

According to studies, over 30% of all support tickets are related to password resets/forgotten passwords.

Enterprise 2FA and password manager. One key for all your passwords. Experience fully automated login and security. Faster MFA, auto-OTP, password manager, and worry-free workflow with proximity-based privileged access management for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, VPNs, desktop applications, and websites.

Download the free Android app.

Proximity-based MFA login

Active Directory integration with admin console

Automatic lock for all workstations

Continuous authentication password manager

Automatic OTP on websites for 2FA

Wireless login for desktops, VPNs, web, and software

or call 240-547-5446