malicious site access prevention

More Malicious Sites Threaten Your Organization’s Cyber Security

April 19, 2018

Having Internet access is a must for most employees. They need it for various productivity tasks. What was once a “nice to have” is not necessary for job function. IT administrators are forced to provide Internet access even if it’s limited to certain parts of the web. The difficult part is providing open Internet access…

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Malware Writers Use Memcached Servers to Amplify DDoS Attacks

April 11, 2018

Insider threats aren’t just malicious attacks on your network. Poorly configured servers present more risks. Whether it’s negligent IT configurations or improperly updated critical software, these threats can do massive damage. The risks associated with these threats include data leaks and your servers being used in a botnet to attack other sites. A recent release…

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crypto mining malware

Insider Threats and the Dangers of Crypto Mining to the Enterprise

March 25, 2018

Although there has been several debates on the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency and the enterprise, one issue with it is cyber security. Dealing with bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency could be an advantage for revenue. But cyber security experts are concerned with the risk of mining and using internal resources on the local network.…

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Human errors in technology

When Human Error Sends Panic Across the Country

February 6, 2018

On January 13th, the state of Hawaii went into a state of panic when they received an emergency text message telling them that a ballistic missile was incoming. It took 38 minutes before a follow-up message was sent telling people that the message was in error.  The governor of Hawaii later held a conference explaining…

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cyber security defense solution

The First Line of Defense in Cyber Security

January 12, 2018

Headlines continue to provide us with more information on large data breaches like Yahoo and Equifax, where cyber attackers gained access to personal information through gaps in security software. But a shocking number of data breaches have nothing at all to do with the level of an organization’s security. Instead, they have everything to do…

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Crypto hardware wallet password key.

How do Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallets Work?

December 3, 2017

How Does a Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet Work? The cryptocurrency market continues to grow with many new technological and innovative advancements. The hardware wallet is such an advancement – it stores your private keys on an external device rather than online, on your phone, or your computer. Hardware wallets are popular because they offer increased security…

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Assistive technology solution for logging into computers.

GateKeeper Assistive Technology for Logging In

November 5, 2017

The best office tech helps you get your work done with efficiency and convenience. But when you’re working with a disability, challenges to that kind of unthinking ease can crop up throughout the day. Assistive technology for logging into computers. Touchless password tech can help. GateKeeper type-free login offers simple and elegant tech that unlocks…

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Insider threat prevention solution.

Protecting Your Organization – Insider Threat Prevention

October 23, 2017

Most organizations know that they need cyber security to protect from outside threats, but what they don’t account for is the growing number of insider threats. Insider threats come from trusted employees, which is something most employers don’t consider. It’s hard to imagine that a trusted employee could be the one to cost you millions…

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Foreign hackers.

Foreign Hackers from the East

September 19, 2017

From the US presidential election to Kaspersky, there is nary a day that goes by that doesn’t contain at least one reference to nefarious cybersecurity acts sponsored by Russia and Russian-aligned entities. The Baltic NATO members have felt that threat and in even in nations like the Ukraine, competing factions vie for influence with the…

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