Turn your phone into your key.

Turn Your Smartphone Into Your Computer Key

October 9, 2016

You’re working away at your city’s coolest new co-working space, and the energy in the building is buzzing—or maybe that’s just you from all the coffee you’ve had this morning. So much coffee, in fact, you need to run to the restroom. What if you had a computer key, just like your car key? Why…

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Traditional passwords are problems.

Why Traditional Passwords Are a Time Waster

September 15, 2016

Dealing with passwords is as much a part of the modern world as the internet or technology in general. Over the years, they’ve gone from something we have only a few of to something that we’re surrounded by. Traditional passwords are out of control. Most people lose track of how many online accounts and passwords…

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enterprise system security

Principles to Ensure Good Enterprise System Security Architecture

August 1, 2016

“Employees will be company’s biggest threat” according to Experian. Data can be breached and companies can lose massive amounts of information in a matter of minutes. A good security system for your site can stop or limit the amount of damage hackers can do. Be proactive and set up your security system now. The following…

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