Healthcare Organizations are Among the Biggest Targets for Attackers
Of all the organizations threatened by insider threats, healthcare companies top the list. In the past several years, healthcare organization data is among the top of the list in the biggest data breaches recorded. The healthcare industry is a big target for cyber criminals. It might be the biggest target, depending on the metric. Yahoo…
Read MoreHow to Identify the Basic Signs of Insider Threats to your Local Network
Insider threats are cyber security breaches that stem from a trusted employee or vendor allowing an outsider to gain access to the local network. It’s a frustrating and difficult cyber security issue to avoid. You need to give employees plenty of permissions to perform everyday tasks. But you can’t give them open access to areas…
Read MoreRouters Under Attack from Russian Hackers through Default Passwords
One common element of all networks is the existence of routers. These devices weren’t always used in household networks. But they soon became commonplace with any home network. Because they are so commonplace, hackers have gone after home routers with numerous different attacks. Some attacks make routers a part of a botnet. Others sniff data…
Read MoreA Recent Ticketfly Data Breach Reminds Consumers to Use Incomplete Data When Possible
Data breaches obviously leak private information to nefarious people. They then sell it on the black market or use it for financial gain. But how do consumers know when a provider is secure? One way to combat your data being leaked and take some security into your own hands is to leave incomplete or even…
Read More€20,000,000 or 4%? – GDPR
You knew it was coming, and while initially, you may have been in denial, you can’t ignore it anymore. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is going into effect on May 25, 2018, whether you’re ready or not. Make sure you have a GDPR compliance solution deployed to make maintaining compliance much easier. Because the…
Read MoreInsider Threats and the Dangers of Crypto Mining to the Enterprise
Although there has been several debates on the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency and the enterprise, one issue with it is cyber security. Dealing with bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency could be an advantage for revenue. But cyber security experts are concerned with the risk of mining and using internal resources on the local network.…
Read MoreThe First Line of Defense in Cyber Security
Headlines continue to provide us with more information on large data breaches like Yahoo and Equifax, where cyber attackers gained access to personal information through gaps in security software. But a shocking number of data breaches have nothing at all to do with the level of an organization’s security. Instead, they have everything to do…
Read MoreHow do Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallets Work?
How Does a Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet Work? The cryptocurrency market continues to grow with many new technological and innovative advancements. The hardware wallet is such an advancement – it stores your private keys on an external device rather than online, on your phone, or your computer. Hardware wallets are popular because they offer increased security…
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