Turn Your Smartphone Into Your Computer Key
You’re working away at your city’s coolest new co-working space, and the energy in the building is buzzing—or maybe that’s just you from all the coffee you’ve had this morning. So much coffee, in fact, you need to run to the restroom. What if you had a computer key, just like your car key?
Why you need a computer key.
Taking a peek around the room, everyone seems to be heads down and plugging away on their laptops. They won’t even notice you stepping away for a minute. You don’t want to close up your laptop and lug it into the bathroom—what a pain! You figure your laptop is safe, so you grab your smartphone, tuck it in your pocket, and off you go.
While you’re in the restroom, you have a funny feeling that maybe you shouldn’t have left your laptop unlocked. The place was packed with people working away, but what if someone was watching you? Maybe someone was waiting for you to get up and leave your laptop unlocked.
When you stepped away from your laptop, even though it was for no more than three minutes, mindlessly, you forgot to lock your computer.
You’d never leave your laptop alone in a busy airport, but what’s the difference in the co-working space, the coffee shop, or around the office? You’ve left your computer unlocked thousands of times. It feels like such a pain to lock it even if you’re just going to the other side of the room for a glass of water, mostly because you have to type your password again.
In 2016, there were 82,000 cyber incidents and over 4,100 confirmed breaches worldwide.
That number might not seem scary, but the important part is that a whopping 74,000 of these incidents were avoidable. The inadvertent culprits were usually internal users making a poor security decision. You know, a poor decision like going to the bathroom and leaving your computer unlocked.
You’re the last line of defense in protecting your computer and the data stored on it. Not wanting to compromise security for convenience, we developed the GateKeeper Halberd to let busy people like you securely sign-on to their computer and favorite websites based on proximity to your electronic devices.
Now, you might be thinking, the last thing you want to carry around is another key.
We hear you. We also know that your phone is always in your hand or in your pocket.
You probably take your phone to the bathroom.
We’re not judging. We do it too. That’s why we created the GateKeeper Trident App for your phone. Instead of carrying around a key fob, with the Trident App installed on your smartphone, your smartphone becomes the authenticator, resulting in less chance of a physical breach.
Authenticating on your laptop or tablet happens based on the distance of your smartphone from the electronic device. This means that when your phone is in range (probably in your hand or in your pocket or bag). The GateKeeper software validates you as an authorized user and logs you on. No-brainer, right?
On the flip side, when you walk away from your computer (you know, like you just did at the bustling co-working space) since your phone is acting as the key, the GateKeeper software automatically locks your computer with military-grade encryption. So, peering eyes and any seemingly harmless people plugging away on their laptops can’t just roll up to your unsecured computer and take a peek at what you’re working on, grab a password, or download some data to their USB stick.
How the Trident App works:
Trident is your wireless smart computer key that automatically logs you in and out of your computer based on presence. Don’t worry about locking your computer anymore, Trident has your back covered – always.
Trident uses proximity-based technology to leverage your phone’s Bluetooth signal to effortlessly secure on the way out with auto-locking and on the way in with 2FA. Download the Trident App from the Play Store to get started with the security service that supports stronger identity protection while simultaneously simplifying users’ access to their information.
Download the Desktop Software from our website and simply pair your Trident App to allow your smartphone to pair with your computer or tablet. Now when you walk away from your machine, your phone will lock it behind you.
Have questions about how the Trident App computer key will keep your data safe? Get in touch. We’re happy to help.
See GateKeeper Enterprise advanced MFA in action.
Take a self-guided tour of how you can evolve from passwords. Then you're really saving time with automation.