Data loss prevention.

Corporations Lose Data in Ways They Didn’t Imagine

October 9, 2018

Insider threats make up a large portion of cyber security risk. It’s a third of the risk when you manage sensitive data on your network. Most organizations think of cyber security risk and insider threats as malicious employees, but it’s not always malicious intent that leads to data loss. Negligence, phishing, malware, and other events…

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Malicious browser.

Malicious Browser Extensions Contribute to Insider Threats

October 7, 2018

Network administrators have a unique challenge providing users with an efficient working environment that also protects against network threats. Most administrators block random installations. But this can be a problem when users need to customize their desktops to work productively. This customized environment includes the ability to add browser extensions. But these small programs can…

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insider threat detection

How to Identify the Basic Signs of Insider Threats to your Local Network

September 22, 2018

Insider threats are cyber security breaches that stem from a trusted employee or vendor allowing an outsider to gain access to the local network. It’s a frustrating and difficult cyber security issue to avoid. You need to give employees plenty of permissions to perform everyday tasks. But you can’t give them open access to areas…

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Chrome exploits - CSS code.

Chrome and Firefox Exploits using CSS and HTML5

August 6, 2018

Insider threats come in all different shapes and sizes. Many times it’s not malicious in any way even though they come directly from your own employees. A recent vulnerability found in Firefox and Chrome gave attackers access to images from the popular social media site Facebook. The vulnerability was mainly from the advanced HTML5 and…

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default password risk from routers

Routers Under Attack from Russian Hackers through Default Passwords

July 14, 2018

One common element of all networks is the existence of routers. These devices weren’t always used in household networks. But they soon became commonplace with any home network. Because they are so commonplace, hackers have gone after home routers with numerous different attacks. Some attacks make routers a part of a botnet. Others sniff data…

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A Recent Ticketfly Data Breach Reminds Consumers to Use Incomplete Data When Possible

June 26, 2018

Data breaches obviously leak private information to nefarious people. They then sell it on the black market or use it for financial gain. But how do consumers know when a provider is secure? One way to combat your data being leaked and take some security into your own hands is to leave incomplete or even…

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GDPR compliance solution

€20,000,000 or 4%? – GDPR

May 20, 2018

You knew it was coming, and while initially, you may have been in denial, you can’t ignore it anymore. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is going into effect on May 25, 2018, whether you’re ready or not. Make sure you have a GDPR compliance solution deployed to make maintaining compliance much easier. Because the…

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malicious site access prevention

More Malicious Sites Threaten Your Organization’s Cyber Security

April 19, 2018

Having Internet access is a must for most employees. They need it for various productivity tasks. What was once a “nice to have” is not necessary for job function. IT administrators are forced to provide Internet access even if it’s limited to certain parts of the web. The difficult part is providing open Internet access…

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Malware Writers Use Memcached Servers to Amplify DDoS Attacks

April 11, 2018

Insider threats aren’t just malicious attacks on your network. Poorly configured servers present more risks. Whether it’s negligent IT configurations or improperly updated critical software, these threats can do massive damage. The risks associated with these threats include data leaks and your servers being used in a botnet to attack other sites. A recent release…

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