Contactless PC Login Explained

Contactless PC Login Explained: The Future of Secure and Convenient Logins

Traditional password-based logins are increasingly being complemented—or even replaced—by more modern, contactless authentication methods. According to a report by Markets and Markets, the global market for multi-factor authentication, which includes contactless options, is expected to reach $20.41 billion by 2025. Therefore, we will delve into the most prevalent contactless PC login options, exploring their benefits and drawbacks.

Most Prevalent Contactless PC Login Options

Biometric Authentication

  • Types: Fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, iris scanning.
  • Statistics: As per a report by Allied Market Research, the global biometric system market size is projected to reach $68.6 billion by 2025.

Smart Cards

  • Types: RFID cards, magnetic stripe cards, chip cards.
  • Statistics: A study by Grand View Research suggests that the smart cards market will reach $21.57 billion by 2025.

Mobile Authentication

  • Types: QR codes, Bluetooth, NFC.
  • Statistics: According to Statista, the number of mobile payment users is expected to surpass 1.31 billion by 2023.

Security Tokens

  • Types: USB security tokens, Bluetooth-enabled tokens.
  • Statistics: Markets and Markets predicts the security token market to grow at a CAGR of 9.5%, reaching $2.62 billion by 2025.

Benefits of Contactless PC Login

Enhanced Security

Contactless methods often employ multi-factor authentication, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access. The FBI’s 2020 Internet Crime Report indicated that 43% of cybercrimes were targeted at businesses, emphasizing the need for robust security measures. But many businesses still haven’t caught up or are even aware of the issues.

Speed and Convenience

Contactless login methods are generally quicker than typing a password. According to a study by the Ponemon Institute, the average employee spends 12.6 minutes per week entering or resetting passwords, which translates to a significant loss of productivity over time. But this can be alleviated by deploying the right solutions.

Lower Operational Costs

The initial setup cost is offset by reduced operational expenses in the long term. A Forrester Research study estimated that large companies spend up to $1 million annually on staffing and infrastructure to manage password resets. Therefore, it is directly affecting operations.

Drawbacks of Contactless PC Login

Initial Cost

The initial investment in hardware (e.g., biometric scanners or smart card readers) can be considerable. However, this is usually a one-time expense.

Potential for Unauthorized Access

No system is foolproof. For instance, biometric systems can sometimes be fooled by high-quality replicas of fingerprints or faces. However, it may be significantly more secure than other more outmoded methods of authentication.

Dependency on External Devices

For mobile authentication and security tokens, you are dependent on an additional device, which can be lost, stolen, or run out of battery. But this may be a better alternative depending on each IT manager’s unique situation.


Contactless PC login methods offer an appealing blend of enhanced security and user convenience. While there are some drawbacks, such as initial costs and the potential for unauthorized access, the benefits often outweigh these concerns, particularly as technology continues to advance. As cyber threats grow increasingly sophisticated, the move towards more secure, efficient, and user-friendly authentication methods seems not only logical but also imperative. Therefore, it is imperative to modernize any outdated authentication technologies.

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Capterra Ease of Use for Authentication Jun-20

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