Seamless MDT Login with Auto-Lock for Patrol Cars
Compliance requirements for law enforcement’s MDTs are getting stricter and requires a solution that meets the needs of both the user’s ease-of-use and the IT team’s need for stronger security. It’s ironic that accessing a car has gotten faster and easier while accessing a computer has only gotten more complex and time-consuming. MDTs generally require long passwords to be typed plus a second authentication factor. This makes it difficult and inefficient for officers to access what they need while maintaining strong security. Non-compliance can result in the loss of access to resources. GateKeeper Enterprise for law enforcement gives officers faster and seamless MDT logins.
Fast login with 2FA for all in-vehicle computers.
The FBI’s CJIS compliance requires all MDTs to have “advanced authentication” when not in a physically secure premise (the police station). Why are we making it more difficult for front-line public safety employees to do their jobs? Most 2FA solutions actually require MORE steps from each end user to perform the additional authentication. Although this increases security, the downside is that users will become more frustrated. IT costs may go up, especially during the transition from one factor to two factor. Officers need a CJIS compliance solution that gives them simpler, faster 2FA authentication with less effort.
- No more passwords to type. Each password an officer has to memorize and repeatedly type is inefficient and stressful. But CJIS requires long and complex passwords. GateKeeper auto-fills passwords for the user. Admins can set each password to something long and complex without burdening the user to type it.
- No additional steps for advanced authentication into MDT. Traditional 2FA solutions require the officer to still type that long, complex password as factor one. GateKeeper uses proximity as the first factor – removing the need to type passwords.
- Auto-fill passwords on MDT applications. Even after logging into MDTs faster, the GateKeeper token will auto-fill passwords to most applications and websites on the MDT. Officers save even more time by eliminating the task of retyping more passwords.
- Enforce 2FA and password controls centrally. IT admins can centralize and control all password and 2FA needs from the Hub dashboard for all officers.
CJIS compliance solutions for easy enforcement for 2FA MDT logins.
GateKeeper allows IT admins to easily administer passwords, grant access permission to MDCs, databases, accounts, and instantly provision and deprovision users. IT admins can manage users, computers, passwords, access control, permission levels, 2FA, and more from the Hub admin console.
- Control password propagation. How do you control all passwords for the organization? Centralize all passwords and control their distribution. Securely share passwords for any account with any user without them needing to worry about updated passwords. Any updated passwords will automatically sync in each user’s profile.
- Dynamic controls for IT teams. Enforce password and computer security policies automatically with GateKeeper Enterprise. Set your password length requirements. Enforce 2FA at all times. Choose between cloud and on-premise.

MDT – Panasonic TOUGHBOOK with GateKeeper hardware token.
Computer will lock automatically when officers exit the patrol car.
MDT logins must be protected from potentially unauthorized access – another compliance requirement. This is traditionally done with an inactivity timeout policy. Intrusive timeout policies are either ineffective or intrusive to the police officer. Some officers reported their timeout policies would lock them out of their MDT during pursuits! If the timeout policy is set too long, then the MDT will take too long to lock. This leaves a large window of vulnerability for the MDT and data. MDTs automatically lock when officers they leave their vehicles with their token. MDT access control has never been easier for IT admins and users alike. The token will key users logged in while they’re present and then automatically lock when the user leaves.
See how organizations, such as Syntech, is deploying 2FA to law enforcement agencies to make CJIS compliance smoother and more automated.
See GateKeeper Enterprise advanced MFA in action.
Take a self-guided tour of how you can evolve from passwords. Then you're really saving time with automation.